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Day 45, Monday, May 11th. Final Presentation

Hey! This is our Final Presentation and our Prototype delivery! Check them below!! Prototype: Website link: https://team4lapassion.wixsite.com/salveoplaneta Final Presentation PT-EN version:  Slide 17 video: Slide 18 video: Slide 37 video: Slide 38 video:
Postagens recentes

Day 44, Friday; May 8th

BOOST Today we decided to use digital boosting in our questionnaire to get more answers and improve the data collection, we posted the link in a famous social media website. We also finalized the website and quiz details. We were really proud of our project’s final result.

Day 43, Thursday; May 7th

Where's my feedback? Today we did an analysis of the questionnaires’ feedback and finalized the preview version of our website. We are still worried about the low feedback we got with questionnaires.

Day 42, Wednesday, May 6th

Normal work day Today we worked to improve our questionnaire reaching sharing it the most we could. We also were looking for ways to make our website campaign better and dynamic for visitors. The quiz is almost done and we are full of anxiety because of the last presentation delivery.  

Day 41, Tuesday; May 5th

Everything I wanted is Feedback Today our focus was on improving the website and validating the awareness videos, for that, we prepared a questionnaire for asking people what are their impressions about the videos. We got 138 responses.  We decided to add a quiz to the website page so that the evaluation can be more dynamic and people get more interested in recycling. We are worried about our questionnaires that are answerless. We need more answers.

Day 40, Monday; May 4th

New ideas old challenges Today we worked on improving the ideas we already have. João Paulo gave us some great ideas to develop on our website and make it more dynamic, for example, a quiz and videos. We also worked on our video validation, it’s a questionnaire, is almost done and the other team members are still working on the diffusion of the questionnaire for getting more answers.

Day 39. Friday, May 1st

DAY OFF Today is a holiday worldwide. It is the workers/labor day and to celebrate this date we decided to take the day off and take some breath for next weeks rsrs